Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How School Libraries Help Students

In this time of test driven curriculum, nationwide budget crisis, and controversy within the field of education, we may ask ourselves if school libraries are necessary. Do we need them? Do we need professional staff to run them? Couldn't we save money by reducing or eliminating them? Do they even make a difference to student achievement?

As a school media specialist and former classroom teacher myself, I am aware of both sides of most of these issues. The truth is, I believe, that school libraries are more important than ever.
Research shows that school libraries do indeed improve academic achievement in public schools. Colorado Library Research Service found that test scores improve significantly when a school has a wellrun library. The highlights of this study can be found here:


A key note I'd like to focus on: "Test scores increased in direct proportion to the ratio of students to library media center staff and library media center resources." (Star, 2009).

I would like to offer this pdf "School Libraries Work"

and the New Lisbon, Wisconsin School District Media Center site, full of research that shows how school libraries help, not hinder, academic achievement.


School libraries are not a garnish- they are a key ingredient!

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